Been awhile…… sorry about this! But you know how sometimes everyday life really has its way of getting in the way? Though we don’t know how or what happened? Well that pretty much explained what’s going on with mine…. LOL
Oh and before I forget, I hope all of you had a wonderful Mother’s Day! I certainly enjoyed mine! Nice and relaxed…. bliss…. 😀
I’ve been working on some new pieces, with no specific theme in mind lately…… for those that followed my work for awhile now should know that usually I get into a certain state of things, then all the pieces made during such time will most likely tied to a certain theme of some sort. Well I guess I can say that I am, since…. well all these pieces were made with bits and pieces that I found on my work table while trying to make sense of this mess! HA! But no, I am not planning on scaring you aw
ay by showing you photo of my work space, that’ll be just plain cruel…… 😛

14kt Rose Goldfilled frame, wirewrapped with Rose Quartz, Green Tourmaline, Pink Mystic Topaz, Blue Chalcedony, Amethyst & Pearl
So here are a few pieces that I’ve made lately. Some had already been listed onto my ETSY jewelry shop, others will be added over time, when I have the time, to sit and measure and actually come up with some ingenious description! 😛
Here’s a piece that I’ve been working on, as a Custom Request. Honestly, I am loving how this one is turning out! I think this will be a beautiful yet versatile piece at the end. It’s always such a thrill to work on something when customer gives mea lose frame to create with! I certain can’t wait to see this one finished! 😀
So as I was trying to make sense of my work table…… I’ve found a whole bag of individually wirewrapped Mystic coated Quartz rondelles that I’ve made-up maybe a few years ago…. But never used! Who knows what I had in mind for these when I first made them! I can’t remember….. HA! Then as I look around more I found a gorgeous GEM Smokey Quartz focal briolette, as well as some SRA Artisan made Lampworked glass beads. And what do you know, they look great together! All I had to add were some Thai Karen Tribal silver findings, with Sterling Silver wire then this sparkly neutral piece is done and ready to be enjoyed!
Then…… I’ve also dug out a piece of Raw Amethyst point, wire-wrapped it with Sterling Silver wire, then added some Copper, finished on a chain….. This one turned out surprisingly lovely as well I thought… 😛
Guess I’ve been working with a theme afterall…… NECK Wear!!! HA!!
Once again! Thanks for visiting! And feel free to contact me with any question that you may have with any of my pieces! And I think I need to update my wee little bead shop soon as well…. But that’s a different state of mind that I need to get into……
‘Til next time! 🙂
Thank you Katie! 😀 XO
Keep on writing, great job!
Thank you for visiting! 😀